Results for 'Jonatan Pozzobon Müller'

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  1.  18
    Exercício no campo da história do tempo presente: o indigenismo político equatoriano no 'mbito da CONAIE e do Pachakutik.Hoyêdo Nunes Lins & Jonatan Pozzobon Müller - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (2):202.
    O Equador sobressai na América Latina pela intensidade do indigenismo. A Confederação de Nacionalidades Indígenas do Equador e o Movimento de Unidade Plurinacional Pachakutik – Novo País são pilares desse destaque. Concebido como história do tempo presente, o artigo examina a trajetória desse indigenismo, discutindo alguns dos seus principais resultados, como a inclusão da referência à plurinacionalidade e interculturalidade do Estado e da sociedade na Constituição do país. Utilizando fontes orais, com testemunhos vivos, o estudo ocupa-se de uma história em (...)
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    A Communication From professor Mueller.Gustav E. Mueller - 1951 - Educational Theory 1 (2):139-142.
  3.  19
    Working Memory and Its Mediating Role on the Relationship of Math Anxiety and Math Performance: A Meta-Analysis.Jonatan Finell, Ellen Sammallahti, Johan Korhonen, Hanna Eklöf & Bert Jonsson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It is well established that math anxiety has a negative relationship with math performance. A few theories have provided explanations for this relationship. One of them, the Attentional Control Theory, suggests that anxiety can negatively impact the attentional control system and increase one's attention to threat-related stimuli. Within the ACT framework, the math anxiety —working memory relationship is argued to be critical for math performance. The present meta-analyses provides insights into the mechanisms of the MA—MP relation and the mediating role (...)
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    A Century of Topological Coevolution of Complex Infrastructure Networks in an Alpine City.Jonatan Zischg, Christopher Klinkhamer, Xianyuan Zhan, P. Suresh C. Rao & Robert Sitzenfrei - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-16.
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    Daemons, Cups of Forgetfulness and Eternity of the Soul in Irenaeus’ Adversus haereses 2.33-34.Jonatan Cornish Simons Camacho - 2024 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 45 (1):79-90.
    In _Adversus haereses _2.33-34, Irenaeus rejects the Platonic view of the pre-existence of the soul, and his tale of a daemon who serves up the drink from the Lethe, the river of forgetfulness. Irenaeus’ argument appears in the context of a larger polemic against the Carpocratian view of education and recollection, so it appropriately draws from philosophical discussions on education and recollection. When Irenaeus’ opposes the Platonic myth, his argument reflects Strato of Lampsacus, a Peripatetic philosopher. I will highlight the (...)
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    El historiador comprometido.Jonatan Miguel Almirón - 2023 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 20.
    Reseña de Carlo Ginzburg, _Conversaciones en la biblioteca. Diálogo con Carlo Ginzburg_. Rosario, HyA ediciones, 2019.
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    Boceto para una estética del vivir.Jonatan Alzuru - 2009 - [Venezuela]: Bid & Co. Editor.
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    Rigoberto Lanz: cultor del pensar sensible. Presencia sociopolítica de la generación del 43 en América Latina.Jonatan Alzuru Aponte - 2010 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 15 (49):5-6.
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  9. Clases naturales en la neurociencia cognitiva: la controversia continúa.Jonatan García Campos, Paola Hernández Chávez, Maximiliano Martínez & Roberto Soto López - 2018 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 8:37--50.
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    What's Cooking, Man? Masculinity in European Cooking Shows after The Naked Chef.Jonatan Leer - 2016 - Feminist Review 114 (1):72-90.
    The cooking show The Naked Chef (1999–2001) with Jamie Oliver has often been highlighted as an example of the cooking show genre's potential for reformulating masculine identity through cooking. Through a series of close readings of a selection of cooking shows from France, the UK and Denmark post-The Naked Chef and through a dialogue with other works on the subject, this article will attempt to identify the tendencies in the constructions and negotiations of masculinity in the cooking show genre following (...)
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    Ḥabad: hisṭoryah, hagut ṿe-dimui.Jonatan Meir & Gad Sagiv (eds.) - 2016 - Yerushalayim: Merkaz Zalman Shazar le-ḥeḳer toldot ha-ʻam ha-Yehudi.
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    Between Delivery and Luck: Projectification of Academic Careers and Conflicting Notions of Worth at the Postdoc Level.Jonatan Nästesjö - forthcoming - Minerva:1-24.
    This paper investigates how early career academics interpret and respond to institutional demands structured by projectification. Developing a ‘frame analytic’ approach, it explores projectification as a process constituted at the level of meaning-making. Building on 35 in-depth interviews with fixed-term scholars in political science and history, the findings show that respondents jointly referred to _competition_ and _delivery_ in order to make sense of their current situation. Forming what I call _the project frame_, these interpretive orientations were legitimized by various organizational (...)
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    La llamada: de la presencia a la manifestación. Una reflexión en torno a la diferencia entre metafísica y fenomenología.Jonatan Rossodivito - 2024 - Revista de Filosofia: Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción 23 (2):315-333.
    Este trabajo se propone demostrar la importancia decisiva de la llamada y la respuesta como dispositivos para la superación y reapropiación de la metafísica. Jean-Luc Marion muestra que la llamada está presente en la metafísica, aunque de manera latente, en el ego persuasus (Descartes) y en el respeto (Kant). Para que pueda manifestarse, es necesaria una respuesta fenomenológica que la reconozca. Si bien Husserl y Heidegger comienzan el camino fenomenológico, no logran acceder al principio último e irreductible de la donación. (...)
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    Tensions in Corporate Sustainability: Towards an Integrative Framework.Tobias Hahn, Jonatan Pinkse, Lutz Preuss & Frank Figge - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):297-316.
    This paper proposes a systematic framework for the analysis of tensions in corporate sustainability. The framework is based on the emerging integrative view on corporate sustainability, which stresses the need for a simultaneous integration of economic, environmental and social dimensions without, a priori, emphasising one over any other. The integrative view presupposes that firms need to accept tensions in corporate sustainability and pursue different sustainability aspects simultaneously even if they seem to contradict each other. The framework proposed in this paper (...)
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  15.  58
    Hopeless practical deliberation – reply to Bobier.Andy Mueller - 2019 - Analysis 79 (4):629-631.
    Bobier argued that hope is necessary for practical deliberation. I will demonstrate that Bobier’s argument for this thesis fails. The problem is that one of its main premisses rests on a sufficient condition for hoping that is subject to counterexamples. I consider two ways to save the argument, but show that they are unsuccessful in doing so.
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  16.  28
    The Social Roots of Suicide: Theorizing How the External Social World Matters to Suicide and Suicide Prevention.Anna S. Mueller, Seth Abrutyn, Bernice Pescosolido & Sarah Diefendorf - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:621569.
    The past 20 years have seen dramatic rises in suicide rates in the United States and other countries around the world. These trends have been identified as a public health crisis in urgent need of new solutions and have spurred significant research efforts to improve our understanding of suicide and strategies to prevent it. Unfortunately, despite making significant contributions to the founding of suicidology – through Emile Durkheim’s classic Suicide (1897/1951) – sociology’s role has been less prominent in contemporary efforts (...)
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  17.  47
    The knowledge norm of apt practical reasoning.Andy Mueller - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):5395-5414.
    I will argue for a novel variant of the knowledge norm for practical reasoning. In Sect. 2, I will look at current variations of a knowledge norm for practical reasoning and I will provide reasons to doubt these proposals. In Sects. 3 and 4, I develop my own proposal according to which knowledge is the norm of apt practical reasoning. Section 5 considers objections. Finally, Sect. 6 concerns the normativity of my proposed knowledge norm and its significance.
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  18. Psicología cognitiva del razonamiento. Algunas expectativas y retos.Jonatan García Campos - 2008 - Ludus Vitalis 16 (29):173-176.
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    Christensen, Carleton B. (2008). Self and world – from analytic philosophy to henomenology.Jonatan Willian Daniel - 2012 - Natureza Humana 14 (1):134-141.
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  20. The World as Spectacle.Gustav E. Mueller - 1945 - Philosophical Review 54:630.
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  21.  23
    Internet-mediated distance-learning education in China as an alternative to traditional paradigms of market entry.Jonatan Jelen & Ilan Alon - 2004 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 17 (3-4):124-139.
  22. The Swedish Bible translations and the transition from old Swedish to early modern Swedish.Jonatan Pettersson - 2019 - In Mikko Kauko, Miika Norro, Kirsi-Maria Nummila, Tanja Toropainen & Tuomo Fonsén (eds.), Languages in the Lutheran Reformation: textual networks and the spread of ideas. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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    Ailing Hearts and Troubled Minds: An Historical and Narratological Study on Illness Narratives by Physicians with Cardiac Disease.Jonatan Wistrand - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (1):129-139.
    A number of studies show that when doctors become ill, there is often ambiguity in the division of roles and responsibilities in the medical encounter. Yet little is known about how the dilemma of the sick doctor has changed over time. This article explores the experience of illness among physicians by applying an historical, narratological approach to three doctor’s narratives about personal cases of cardiac disease: Max Pinner’s from the 1940s, Robert Seaver’s from the 1980s, and John Mulligan’s from 2015. (...)
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  24. The meaning of ‘populism’.Axel Mueller - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1025-1057.
    This essay presents a novel approach to specifying the meaning of the concept of populism, on the political position it occupies and on the nature of populism. Employing analytic techniques of concept clarification and recent analytic ideology critique, it develops populism as a political kind in three steps. First, it descriptively specifies the stereotype of populist platforms as identified in extant research and thereby delimits the peculiar political position populism occupies in representative democracies as neither inclusionary nor fascist. Second, it (...)
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  25.  39
    Domestication, crop breeding, and genetic modification are fundamentally different processes: implications for seed sovereignty and agrobiodiversity.Natalie G. Mueller & Andrew Flachs - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):455-472.
    Genetic modification of crop plants is frequently described by its proponents as a continuation of the ancient process of domestication. While domestication, crop breeding, and GM all modify the genomes and phenotypes of plants, GM fundamentally differs from domestication in terms of the biological and sociopolitical processes by which change occurs, and the subsequent impacts on agrobiodiversity and seed sovereignty. We review the history of domestication, crop breeding, and GM, and show that crop breeding and GM are continuous with each (...)
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  26. Philosophy of mathematics and deductive structure in Euclid's Elements.Ian Mueller - 1981 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications.
    A survey of Euclid's Elements, this text provides an understanding of the classical Greek conception of mathematics and its similarities to modern views as well as its differences. It focuses on philosophical, foundational, and logical questions — rather than strictly historical and mathematical issues — and features several helpful appendixes.
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    Beyond the “decorated landscapes” of educational reform: Toward landscapes of pluralism in science education.Michael P. Mueller & Michael L. Bentley - 2007 - Science Education 91 (2):321-338.
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  28. Euclid's elements and the axiomatic method.Ian Mueller - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 20 (4):289-309.
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    The Anatomy of Neoplatonism.Ian Mueller - 1991 - Philosophical Quarterly 41 (165):510-512.
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  30. Emotion as Position-Taking.Jean Moritz Mueller - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (3):525-540.
    It is a popular thought that emotions play an important epistemic role. Thus, a considerable number of philosophers find it compelling to suppose that emotions apprehend the value of objects and events in our surroundings. I refer to this view as the Epistemic View of emotion. In this paper, my concern is with a rivaling picture of emotion, which has so far received much less attention. On this account, emotions do not constitute a form of epistemic access to specific axiological (...)
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    Multinationals' Political Activities on Climate Change.Ans Kolk & Jonatan Pinkse - 2007 - Business and Society 46 (2):201-228.
    This article explores the international dimensions of multinationals' corporate political activities, focusing on an international issue—climate change—being implemented differently in a range of countries. Analyzing data from Financial Times Global 500 firms, it examines the influence on types and process of multinationals' political strategies, reckoning with institutional contexts and issue saliency. Findings show that the type of political activities can be characterized as an information strategy to influence policy makers toward market-based solutions, not so much withholding action on emission reduction. (...)
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    Rufinus of Aquileia . His Life and Works By Francis X. Murphy, C.SS.R., Ph.D.Urban Mueller - 1946 - Franciscan Studies 6 (2):247-248.
  33. Simplicius: On Aristotle's "On the Heavens".Ian Mueller - 2004
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    Vom Schönen und seiner Wahrheit.Gustav Mueller - 1957 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 18 (1):136-136.
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    R. Nathan Sternhartz’s Liqquṭei tefilot and the Formation of Bratslav Hasidism.Jonatan Meir - 2016 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 24 (1):60-94.
    _ Source: _Volume 24, Issue 1, pp 60 - 94 One of the more astounding books produced by Bratslav Hasidism is _Liqquṭei tefilot_, composed by R. Nathan Sternhartz of Nemirov, which established a whole new genre in Bratslav literature. This article discusses the book’s genesis, publication, and primary goals, as well as the controversy it generated. The new Bratslav theology that emerged after the death of Rabbi Naḥman led to disputes, both internal and external, over the role and character of (...)
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    Contrary to Thoughtlessness: Rethinking Practical Wisdom.Monica Mueller - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    This work examines thoughtlessness and seeks to illuminate the necessity and extent that reflection is involved in becoming practically wise within an Aristotelian virtue ethical framework. Derived from an Arendtian reading of Kantian aesthetic judgment, an account of thinking and judging is offered to supplement traditional accounts of practical wisdom.
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    Is Observation Mathematically-Laden?Thomas Mueller Thomas Mueller - 2013 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 17 (1):165.
  38.  95
    The Contribution of Environmental and Social Standards Towards Ensuring Legitimacy in Supply Chain Governance.Martin Mueller, Virginia Gomes dos Santos & Stefan Seuring - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (4):509-523.
    Increasingly, companies implement social and environmental standards as instruments towards corporate social responsibility in supply chains. This is based on the assumption that such standards increase legitimacy among stakeholders. Yet, a wide variety of standards with different requirement levels exist and companies might tend to introduce the ones with low exigencies, using them as a legitimacy front. This strategy jeopardizes the reputation of social and environmental standards among stakeholders and their long-term trust in these instruments of CSR, meaning that all (...)
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  39.  57
    The completeness of Stoic propositional logic.Ian Mueller - 1979 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 20 (1):201-215.
  40. On being and becoming.Gustav E. Mueller - 1943 - Philosophy of Science 10 (3):149-162.
    Becoming is interpreted by various sciences. The exact sciences, physics, and chemistry, interpret this universal becoming or change of all things on the model of mathematical equations. In such an equation of quantities or magnitudes, one side always balances the other. We call such a process “circular”. Numbers may be subdivided or contracted, they may change their places or positions, but the sum total of the whole equation remains immutably the same. In this manner mechanics constructs change as a change (...)
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    Daemones, pocillos del olvido y eternidad del alma en Adversus haereses 2.33-34 de Ireneo.Jonatán Cornish Simons Camacho - 2024 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 45 (1):91-102.
    En _Adversus haereses _2.33-34, Ireneo rechaza la perspectiva platónica de la preexistencia del alma, y su relato de un demonio que sirve la bebida del Leteo, el río del olvido. El argumento de Ireneo aparece en el contexto de una polémica más amplia contra la perspectiva carpocraciana de la educación y el recuerdo, de allí que recurra a discusiones filosóficas sobre la educación y el recuerdo. Cuando Ireneo se opone a este mito platónico, refleja los argumentos de Estratón de Lámpsaco, (...)
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  42.  23
    Vicious Academics.Laura J. Mueller - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):163-174.
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    Social Intuitionism and Dual Reasoning Theory.Jonatan García Campos - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 19:271-292.
    In this work the social intuitionism defended by Jonathan Haidt is explored and compared with the dual reasoning theory (TDR), this theory belongs to a family of proposals that maintain that there is a duality in the field of the mental. On the one hand, social intuitionism has argued that it receives support from TDR, on the other hand, TDR has pointed out similarities with social intuitionism; despite the mutual references mentioned, an analysis of what the precise relationship between these (...)
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  44. Public Stem Cell Banks.Hilary Bok Mueller Agnew, Danw Brock, Aravinda Chakravarti, Xiao-Jiang Gao, Mark Greene, John A. Hansen, Patricia A. King, Stephen J. O'brien, David H. Sachs & Kathryn E. Schill - 2003 - Hastings Center Report 33 (6):13-27.
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    Interplay of opposites.Gustav E. Mueller - 1965 - Philosophia Mathematica (2):86-87.
  46. Can mental content externalism prove realism?Axel Mueller - manuscript
    Recently, Kenneth Westphal has presented a highly interesting and innovative reading of Kant's critical philosophy.2 This reading continues a tradition of Kantscholarship of which, e.g., Paul Guyer's work is representative, and in which the antiidealistic potential of Kant's critical philosophy is pitted against its idealistic selfunderstanding. Much of the work in this tradition leaves matters at observing the tensions this introduces in Kant's work. But Westphal's proposed interpretation goes farther. Its attractiveness derives for the most part from the promise that (...)
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    Wissenszuschreibungen und asymmetrische Verluste: (k)ein Irrtum? Kommentar zu Knowledge, Stakes and Error von Alexander Dinges.Andy Mueller - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (1):109-113.
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    Learnability of Embedded Syntactic Structures Depends on Prosodic Cues.Jutta L. Mueller, Jörg Bahlmann & Angela D. Friederici - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (2):338-349.
    The ability to process center‐embedded structures has been claimed to represent a core function of the language faculty. Recently, several studies have investigated the learning of center‐embedded dependencies in artificial grammar settings. Yet some of the results seem to question the learnability of these structures in artificial grammar tasks. Here, we tested under which exposure conditions learning of center‐embedded structures in an artificial grammar is possible. We used naturally spoken syllable sequences and varied the presence of prosodic cues. The results (...)
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  49.  54
    Die Stoische Logik. [REVIEW]Ian Mueller - 1977 - Philosophical Review 86 (2):226-229.
  50. Prismatic Equivalence – A New Case of Underdetermination: Goethe vs. Newton on the Prism Experiments.Olaf L. Mueller - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):323-347.
    Goethe's objections to Newton's theory of light and colours are better than often acknowledged. You can accept the most important elements of these objections without disagreeing with Newton about light and colours. As I will argue, Goethe exposed a crucial weakness of Newton's methodological self-assessment. Newton believed that with the help of his prism experiments, he could prove that sunlight was composed of variously coloured rays of light. Goethe showed that this step from observation to theory is more problematic than (...)
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